Crown News




North American Clean Energy: How to Reduce Battery Waste to Near-Zero

“Our transition to clean energy storage shouldn’t always start by digging a hole in the ground – and batteries should never end in a landfill.” – John Connell, Vice President, SLI Products Group, Crown Battery

Peak Shaving: Lower Energy Costs with an Efficient System

Many electric utilities are charging higher rates when there’s more demand (“peak pricing”). For instance, you may pay more for energy from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm — exactly when you’re using energy-intensive air conditioning or industrial/commercial machines. Your goal is to pay the lowest possible price for electricity. In this article, you’ll discover how peak shaving can help, including: 1. How to ...

Don’t Be a Victim of Greenwashing

It’s not uncommon these days to instinctively label particular types of batteries and their manufacturers as green, specifically, lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles. And you can thank greenwashing for leading you to believe those products and the companies making them are doing what’s best for the environment.

3 Ways to Achieve Your Supplier Sustainability Goals with Crown Battery (and what to look for when you compare manufacturers)

Some batteries are built with electricity from fossil fuels, virgin-mined raw materials, and inefficient conventional manufacturing.