North American Clean Energy: How to Reduce Battery Waste to Near-Zero

“Our transition to clean energy storage shouldn’t always start by digging a hole in the ground – and batteries should never end in a landfill.” – John Connell, Vice President, SLI Products Group, Crown Battery

You already know how End-of-Life recycling is critical to stopping battery landfilling and preserving natural resources.

But what happens upstream — when the battery is made — and how does it affect our environment and your sustainability goals?

Today, in North American Clean Energy’s latest battery waste article, we’re pulling back the curtain on a roadmap to reduce upstream supply chain waste. In this article, you’ll discover:

  • Why reducing battery waste matters and how it affects your operations
  • Open-loop vs. closed-loop manufacturing
  • Slash manufacturing waste? Start with this easy step
  • 7 key steps to engineer waste battery out of the loop (works in any manufacturing, installation, or service business)
  • And more!

Click the button below to read Part 2 of “Stop Landfilling Batteries: How to Reduce Battery Waste to Near-Zero”.

Read the Article Now

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