Customers' Real-World Results: Improve ROI, battery life, and uptime

If you depend on batteries in business or at home, then you know that real-world results -- and tips -- beat marketing hype every time.

That’s why we’ve put together some of the best insights from smart people like you: our customers.

In the next few minutes, you’ll learn their strategies and frameworks to reduce downtime and stress, maximize ROI, and enhance battery life.



No company is perfect, but we try harder. Crown Battery is one of the longest-operating energy storage companies on Earth.

We’ve spent nearly 100 years improving our R&D, manufacturing, and sales and technical support. And multiple generations of battery users trust us. Here are some of their stories:

Crown’s reliability eliminated about 95% of our warranty batteries – and made a huge impact to our bottom line. We’re spending less time testing batteries and more time selling them.”
-Ben Sverdlow, President of Jeffrey Allen Inc.


“With Crown batteries, we never need to worry about whether the sun is out – or whether our renters will have enough power.

...It's really nice having something as reliable as Crown batteries. All I have to do is water them.”

- Leon Dulak, Site Manager, Midwest Renewable Energy Association


“For some of our clients, if they’re down a minute they lose hundreds of thousands of dollars... they could even lose lives.

They have to be up and running. And it all comes down to the battery.

... When I saw the Crown employees’ attention to detail, how clean the factory was, and the robotic assembly and computerized quality checks – we were sold. Plus, all our Crown batteries are made in America, and I like that. They’re an Ohio company, like us.”

- Jeremy White, General Parts Manager for Buckeye Power Sales


Tip #2: Learn the battery basics before you buy batteries

Meet the expert: Mark Snyder has consulted with NASA and the Department of Energy – and designed and/or installed more than 30,000 renewable energy systems.

His battery advice applies to any industry (note: depth of discharge requirements vary in material handling).

And in this short video, Mark lays out some of the most important battery insights he’s discovered after more than 40 years in the field, including:

  • How to make maintenance easy (with any battery technology)
  • Avoid these battery sizing scams
  • Protect your batteries from the elements
  • Battery selection basics for greater lifespan and reliability

Secrets of 24-year-old lead-acid batteries


Tip #3: Be sure your batteries will support your business or lifestyle

Meet the expert: Pippi Peterson is a cross between MacGuyver, a nomad, and a bootstrapping entrepreneur. And her how-to videos on RV living have garnered millions of views.

Because she runs her business from her home office (an RV), she depends on batteries to power her everyday life.

Here, Pippi covers:

  • How she ended up living on the road and going mostly off-grid
  • Her strategy that turned a video for family into a YouTube channel with more than 100,000 subscribers
  • How to avoid battery marketing hype – and get greater life, reliability, and safety

Here's why I chose off-grid/RV life


Tip #4: Confirm you’ll get sales and technical support from battery experts, including engineers

When you buy a battery, you should get more than just energy storage. You should also get expert support when you need it.

Some battery companies outsource their customer service to shave a few bucks off the upfront cost.

But you’ll pay a high price if you need help or have questions during selection, installation, maintenance, or repairs.

Without properly trained support professionals who work for your battery company, you’ll spend far more time. You’ll risk costly mistakes that can ruin batteries. And after many back-and-forth emails or calls, you still might not get the right answer.

Before Crown, other battery companies were eager to make the sale. But they made it hard to get support afterward.

With Crown Battery, I just buy a battery, they deliver it, and I get it to my customer. And I know they’re there to take care of us.”

- Dale Tea, Sales Manager and Co-owner, Town & Country RV Center


“My Crown Battery rep made switching easy. He’s fantastic – smart, flexible, attentive, and easy to work with. He’s an expert on his product line, and I have all the technical and logistical resources from the factory to back things up.”

- Will Herndon, President of NewGrid


Tip #5: Make sure your battery company adds value after the sale

It’s easier to sell batteries than it is to support distributors or end-users.

But if you want to keep the lights on or grow your business, then you’ll benefit from a battery company that goes beyond “part number and price.” Consider these customers’ stories:

It took a lot of effort by our team, and a lot of support from Crown Battery to
help us build our customer base here – and that’s value we could never get from our old supplier.”

- Luis Elizondo, Owner, Soluciones Energeticas, Monterrey, Mexico


“[Crown’s] support helped me streamline operations and add new revenue tools. Their reliability improved our bottom line – and our customers’ experiences. And they eliminated the time-wasters and frustrations that we thought were ‘normal.’

.... My Crown rep is even happy to call on customers with us, too. Who else does that these days?”
-- Ben Sverdlow, President of Jeffrey Allen Inc.


“At Crown, they understand that the job is not finished after the sale – they are also there when there is a technical demand, or when needed, they can come over [to Belgium] to provide technical support or work on projects, together with our customers.”

- Alexander de Soete, General Manager, Battery Supplies, Belgium


Bonus Tip: Price is what you pay. Value is what you get

“Before we switched to Crown, we didn’t skimp on price. But the other batteries still failed a lot more. And that meant more warranty headaches – lots of people, lots of paperwork, and lots of wasted time and money.

Now that we install Crown batteries in all our RVs and tractors (and my kids’ automobiles), I never have to deal with those issues. And they stand up for me.

My customers are happy, their batteries last longer, and I make more money overall.

That’s why everything here has a Crown battery in it.”

- Dale Tea, Sales Manager and Co-owner, Town & Country RV Center


“If my batteries don’t start this morning, I lose $700.”

“So many captains go to Walmart and buy the cheapest battery and throw it in their boat. Two months later, they’re telling me, ‘Oh, I’ve got electrical problems.’

And I tell them, ‘You don’t have electrical problems. You have the wrong battery....

If you’re out on the lake and your engine doesn’t start, you’ll lose your charter for the day. You’re going to lose $700 on that charter, so it’s well worth it to pay the money and get a quality battery…

… I’ve been a fishing guide for 37 years. This is my livelihood, and I wouldn’t trust it to any other battery.”

- Captain Chris Clemons, Professional Walleye Guide on Lake Erie and Owner of Lakeland Charter Service, Ohio, USA

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