Behind the scenes at Argonne National Laboratory

Hinting at big advancements for the future of lead-acid batteries

Behind closed, high-security doors, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory are on the leading edge of energy storage breakthroughs.

Crown Battery is working with more than 90% of the U.S. lead-acid battery industry as part of CRADA (Cooperative Research and Development Agreement) -- to fund and collaborate with Argonne scientists on a three-year research program to unlock the hidden potential of lead-acid batteries. There is still the possibility to expand the performance of lead-acid batteries, which would help meet ever-growing energy storage and transportation needs.

DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory’s top scientists are using powerful tools to design next-generation lead-acid batteries -- with improved cycle life and dynamic charge acceptance. 

Here’s why this research matters to you:

If you’re reading this, chances are good that you depend on batteries every day. And this research affects anyone who uses rechargeable batteries.

As you know, lead-acid batteries are already proven, reliable, and scalable. They deliver more than 70% of all rechargeable battery energy worldwide and create nearly 25,000 manufacturing jobs in the USA. Lead-acid batteries can even be manufactured using domestic materials, unlike some other emerging battery technologies.

But just because our technology is the most used and most proven -- doesn’t mean we can stand still. Research and innovation are critical to constantly improving lead-acid batteries -- and improving your experience with our lead-acid batteries.

The Argonne research project is a critical part of our industry’s ~$100 million/year R&D investment. Together, we’re advancing lead-acid battery technology -- and building batteries that last longer, charge better, and store more energy for you.

Read the entire story on Essential Energy Everyday here.

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